Saturday, January 14, 2012

MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

Microsoft Certifications Overview:

Microsoft has recently revamped their certificates programs to be more targeted. TheCertifications Overview provides a map of how the certifications fit together. In addition, the newer Microsoft Certifications have lifecycle policies that are new to the Microsoft Certification program. These policies were put in place to ensure that Microsoft Certifications remain up-to-date on relevant Microsoft technologies.
Training for the Microsoft Certifications can be accomplished in a classroom or via distance or e-learning programs. More information about theMicrosoft training programs can be found on the training pages.

The MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer:

The MCSD is a top level Microsoft .NET credential. This certification is for advanced developers who design and develop leading-edge enterprise solutions using Microsoft development tools and technologies in addition to the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1.
Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) candidates are required to pass four core exams and one elective exam. The core exams are designed to measure technical proficiency and expertise in developing and maintaining enterprise applications that are based on Microsoft development tools, technologies, and platforms on the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0 and Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1. The elective exam is meant to show proof of expertise on a specific Microsoft server product.
In addition, an MCSD candidate should have two years of experience developing and maintaining solutions and applications using the .NET frameworks.
The Microsoft certifications learning site shows whcih courses satisfy which requirements. It also provides links to training materials and other resources.