Monday, January 30, 2012

Tips for Mature Tech Workers Delaying Retirement

Delaying Retirement

How Older Employees Can Stay Relevant While They Sort Through Retirement Options

If you're 60-plus but feeling like retirement is not an option for you, you're not alone. According to a CareerBuilder survey conducted in late 2009, seven out of 10 mature workers in the U.S. are delaying retirement due to financial reasons. And instead of thinking of about leisure activities and relaxation, many older IT workers with years of experience under their belts are looking to upgrade their technical skills so they can remain competitive in the job market.

Here are some tips from, a job site for mature workers, to help you work through your retirement options, transition into your next technical job, and show just how valuable you are to your current - and future - company, boss and colleagues.
  1. Have a chat with your human resources department: If you have a certain plan in mind in terms of how long you are going to stick with your current job, make sure HR knows; they can help you sort out details about your future if you're not sure how things will work out.
  2. Remain open to a change in plans: If your current employer has been making plans based on when they think you're going to retire, and you suddenly decide you want to stick around, you might find that this complicates things. Find out whether you might be able to work on other projects if your employer has already decided to hand yours off by a certain time.
  3. Networking is key: Make sure you build your network, both on a social and professional level, so that you have some connections and potential job leads in case staying with your current employer is not an option. If you're not on it already, sign up with LinkedInto make connections online, and get recommendations from people who have worked with you in the past.
  4. Get involved with mentoring and cross training: You've tons of experience and knowledge to pass along to others. Offer to become a mentor to a younger employee (or even someone outside of your workplace), or to help cross-train someone from a different department - this will demonstrate your value, both to your current and future employer.