Monday, January 30, 2012

Microsoft C# Programming Language

Overview of C# Programming

C# programming refers to developing software using the C# programming language on the .NET framework developed by Microsoft Corporation.

History of C# Programming

C# was developed in 2000 and is known as Microsoft's flagship language. It is said to resemble both Java and C++. According to several engineers I have spoken with, it is preferred over both languages by many. C# programming has quickly become a "hot" job skill. Programmers that have experience with C# and related technologies are likely to be in high demand for the foreseeable future.

Learning C# Programming

C# programming is best learned by those with some familiarity with object oriented programming methodologies. For those interested in introductory-level C# programming, courses offered through local community collages would be a good place to start. For those developers interested in learning C# programming at a more detailed, in-depth level, Microsoft offers several online C# programming classes and Developer Certifications.
The Microsoft Developers Center offers excellent resources on learning and using C# for development.