Saturday, January 14, 2012

Using Monster to Find a Job

Using Monster to Find a Job

Using to Find a Job:

One of the more popular job boards, you can find a job online with Monster for just about any industry.

  • Make sure you try different keywords in your title search. For example, QA, Quality Analyst and Quality Assurance can all produce very different results.
  • You can create confidential resumes, which allows employers to see your experience but not your name.
  • How you name your resume can impact how often your resume is viewed. An employer is much more likely to click on a resume titled "Senior Hardware Engineer" than on one titled "Joe's Resume". Use these tips for naming your resume to ensure your resume is viewed as often as possible.
  • Updating your resume weekly will make it appear higher in an employer's search results.
  • Sign up to have new job postings emailed to you.

Keep in mind that just because your resume and application are online, does not mean you should get sloppy. You still need a professional resume and cover letter to entice the employer to contact you.