Saturday, January 14, 2012

Career Services - Entry Level and New Grad Resources Center

Career Services - Entry Level and New Grad Resources Center

Career Services for New Grads

Job changes are among the most stressful life events, even for experienced applicants. Finding, applying for, interviewing and accepting your first job can be an overwhelming experience. Here are some of our career services related top picks for entry level candidates.

Job Searching Career Services

Finding the appropriate jobs to apply for is an important first step. Here are some of the best job searching resources online:

New Grad Career Services - Cover Letters

Your cover letter is your first chance to make a great impression. “Wow” the hiring manager with a cover letter that makes them want to read more.

Resume Samples

Your resume is one of the most important documents you will write in your career. The purpose of a resume is to get an interview, not a job offer. A resume should give enough information to show that you meet the job requirements, but not so much information that the reader tunes out. The hiring manager should be intrigued, and should want to call you in for an interview to learn more.

Career Services - Interview Preparation

Being prepared is the best way to ace an interview. Its hard to remember all that you have accomplished in your education, projects and work experience. Preparing well ahead of time can help you when the interview pressure is on!