Sunday, February 5, 2012

AMD prepares three new FX-Series processor models

Just days after Intel’s new additions to its Core i5 range of processors, we’re now hearing of AMD’s upcoming move to roll in a few more FX series processor models in the form of the FX-4170, FX-6200 and FX-8150 LCS.
A pre-order price list has been sighted which also shares some details with us on the specs. Beginning with the quad-core FX-4170, this multiplier-unlocked chip with 8MB of L3 cache carries an impressive stock clock rate of 4.2GHz, with Turbo kicking things up a notch to 4.3GHz; making it the first retail AMD CPU with a stock clock speed higher than 4GHz.
Shifting focus to the FX-6200, this hexa-cored model has a 3.8GHz core frequency that will go as high as 4.1GHz with Turbo enabled. It, like the FX-4170 before it sports 8MB of L3 cache and a 125W TDP.
As for the FX-8150 LCS, this is for the U.S. market and as many of you would have been quick to work out, it is an existing eight-core processor model in AMD’s FX-Series, but with liquid cooling bundled and carrying a part number of FD8150FRGUWOX versus the boxed air-cooled model which uses a part number of FD8150FRGUBOX. The processor itself remains the same of course, with its 3.6GHz core clock (4.1GHz Turbo), 8MB of L3 cache and also running a TDP of 125W not unlike the two aforementioned models.
Down to the final piece of the picture, pricing. The FX-4170 has its pre-order price set at US $153.27 (expected to drop once released to market), while the FX-6200 runs a pre-order price tag of US $188.48 at the time of writing. It’s not at all surprising that the LCS version of the FX-8150 carries quite a heftier price tag than its air-cooled brother; this model being currently listed for US $398.29.
We’re unsure at this stage as to when exactly AMD is aiming to pull the trigger on these three new FX-series chips.